About Me

My photo
I'm married to a wonderful and loving, funny man. I was born and raise in the philippines, belong to a very conservative family. I am now living here in the US with my new found family. Been married for 4 years, Know more about me when i start posting blogs, you'll see me around.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Gibberish Reading by: BB Dallas

                                                  feeling EDWARD CULLIN
                                                 Conference call to china
                                                 goofy and funny                                                            Bonding with POP                                                                                                                                                           
                                                     the book reading

This is a month ago video of BB Dallas, i can't help laughing every time i watch this video of his. He love this book pop bought him, the story about Harold and the purple crayon, he always look for it every time i put him to bed and wants me to read it to him a few times and he sort of asked questions, but i don't really understand it so i just keep saying yes to whatever it is his asking me, and he sometimes seems satisfied with it, but there are time that he get really frustrated to make his point, but i would just laugh and he would walk away from me, his such a funny kid. 

So ok, this time i ask him to read the book for me and he did... and i was trying my best not to laugh out loud so he would continue reading. So know every time i ask him to read me a book he would oblige and do his best... so sweet and amusing, he never fails to me make laugh and smile...

Recovered photos

the sistah
the parents

Pictures i've recovered, so i scanned it for my sister to see... heheheh we look funny huh? and also my parents photo.... 

Terrible Two's stage

I'm not really an officially mommy, but since i have been spending so much time with baby dallas so, i see all this changes on him and its really interesting. So i did a little research about it for a guide for me to deal with baby dallas and understand him of going through this stage without being irritated with him when he acts things which would really get into my nerves.

Here's some guide lines for it, things to look forward too, and i would say; hehehe good luck mommies you need more patience for this, and remember ' they're just a baby and act like a baby, get a good grip.'

Baby dallas is not two yet, but he already is in this stage and man, he drains us all the time. But we still love him and do our best to be patient with him.

No one looks forward to the terrible twos, a developmental stage that usually begins sometime in the toddler years.
Although many parents don't expect the terrible twos to start until their toddler is two years old, it is important to note that it can begin anytime during your child's second year, and so anytime after their first birthday, and unfortunately, sometimes even before.

Characterized by toddlers being negative about most things and often saying 'no', the terrible twos may also find your toddler having frequent mood changes and temper tantrums.

To help you cope with this normal stage in your child's development, you should always remember that your child isn't trying to be defiant or rebellious on purpose. He is just trying to express his growing independence and doesn't have the language skills to easily express his needs. This can also be the reason why your toddler frequently gets frustrated and resorts to hitting, biting, and temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

By learning more about this normal stage in your child's development, it can make it easier to get through it and make sure that you aren't contributing to more battles than are necessary.

Other tips for helping your toddler during the terrible twos include:

having a regular routine for meals, naps, bedtime, etc. and try to stick to them each day

offer limited choices only, like 'would you like apples or oranges for your snack' and not just 'what do you want for your snack.' This helps your toddler feel like he is making some decisions and has power over things, but he isn't able to choose unacceptable alternatives.

learn to set limits about things and don't be surprised when your toddler tries to test those limits to see what he can get away with

don't give in to tantrums

begin to use time-out and taking away privileges as discipline techniques

provide your toddler with a safe environment that is well childproofed to explore and play in. It really isn't fair that your toddler should get in trouble for playing with something he isn't supposed to if you left it within reach.

Keep moving forward

I got really touched by this from the movie " Meet the Robinsons".I mean, i would really agree that everybody should keep moving forward, you can glance back for the past and ask yourself, what did i learn from my mistakes and wrong decision and want can i  do to make my life in the future to be a better one. I was really inspired on this movie and learn a lot of valuable lessons. I have some anger and holding some grudge to some people and to my self for things i've done in the past, and after watching this move, i thought, i shouldn't be holding this anger for so long, it won't do me good, i have to move on, i should take those mistakes as part of my growing process mentally and emotionally and it would make me a better person, for my self and the people who loves me and i love.

So now, i have a new outlook and prospective  in life, the past is pass you cannot go back and fix things, all you could do is take those mistakes as part of  growing up, and learn from it, and use it as a guide for you future... to make it better for you.... LETS ALL KEEP MOVING FORWARD..... LIFE IS GOOD AND LETS MAKE IT WORTHWHILE. TELL YOURSELF EVERYDAY "KEEP MOVING FORWARD".

A gran-gran @ 28 yrs old

Yep, i am one hot gran-gran (wink... husband told me, so suck it up, hehehee) anyway, i love this little dude we got, i love spending time with him because he such a sweet, sweet and funny little loviss to me, thats what i called him other than the nickname kelly and i gave him, which is baby dallas. Gosh! theirs so much thing for me to tell about him, and he really makes us happy, stress out, pissed off, but every time we send him home to his mom, we already miss his presence in the house, its just feel to empty without his laughter and whining and crying and dancing.

I'm really to young to be called "granma" right? but Baby dallas always call me "my" or "ma" but not mom, he use that to his mommy stacie. He and i really spend a lot of time, i will go to phoenix airport to pick him up and when he sees me he will go ballistic on seeing me and wants me to carry him right away with his overwhelming reaction to see me and give me hugs and slobby kisses and drag me somewhere without looking back to his dad or mom who drop him off there. And when kelly will send him home to his mommy, i can see the sadness on his face and when i say bye-bye to him, he won't look at me in eyes and pretend that I'm not there anymore, and when i turn my back on him to say bye again, his looking at me and then ignore me again, and it breaks my heart to see him like that, i wish he could just live with us forever, but he has his own mommy and daddy who wants to spend time with him too.

I know he loves me, and he listens to me, every time his with me, he never fails to give me his trade mark " a slobby kisses" and show me some love and affection and appreciation of the attention we gave him..... I love him with all my heart, even though technically his not blood related to me, i am just his step gran, who loves him more than anything else in this would. He makes us so happy in his cute little way, that really touches our heart to the core....


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life as a Pilot's wife

When i met my husband he was already doing this job ; a commercial pilot for Southwest Airline and a on reserved pilot for the Air National Guard. I am proud of him but sometimes its just too much for me, thank god he already retired on his military job, but he still gone a lot, thats one of the reason why he just want me to stay home and not get a job, so that we he gets home from a few days out of town, i will be home and he could spend time with me, but i get bored without doing anything when his not home and i am talking about days.

When he upgrade into a captain, my.... his schedule was insane, and i got a little insane too, scheduling will call him at 3:00 am to tell him he has to go to work that day, because that time he was a junior captain and on reserved , meaning if one f the pilot will call in sick, he has to fell in for that guy, and i have to wake up with him, to pack his suitcase and make him breakfast and some sandwich to take with him when he gets hungry, i wasn't feeling bad for my self, i was feeling bad for my husband because he doesn't have a choice but to get his butt out in bed and get ready. So right now, he can bid a schedule he wants and the days he wants to work, but he still doesn't come home everyday like other normal job is, and i am always home alone for few days. But as long as his happy of what his doing, i will be happy for him, and the advantage of being a pilot's wife is; i get a chance to travel for free and i can give my sister a free ticket so she can come and visit us. And he looks darn good on his uniform and i miss seeing him in his military suit, he really looks hot on it.....

Pro's and Con's of being a new driver

I am just learning how to drive and sometimes it really freak me out. Kelly as my designated driving teacher doesn't really do me a big help, his more like a distractions, but lately his really trying so hard to be more relax and let me be, letting me do what i think would help me relax and focus, so I am thankful for that support, morally and emotionally.

This is base on my experience as a new learner how to drive.

1. It will help me being independent and go places which kelly doesn't want to go, like shopping.
2. I can start looking and having a job that i would love to do.
3. I can start schooling 
4. I can drop off/pick up kelly at the airport so he doesn't have to pay for parking
5. I can be kelly's driving when he ends up drinking after socializing 

So far thats all i can think of right.


1. I am still scared and anxious about driving
2. I'm scared to get into an accident
3. I'm scared to wreck my car
4. I don't want to hurt people accidentally
5. I am intimidated with other driver
6. I'm trying so hard not to disappoint kelly so thats really  stressful, and so frustrating on me
7. A lot of driver's out there are so aggressive and unpredictable.

so on and so fort.

Right now, kelly's review about my driving has been improving and getting better, but sometimes he would still say that I'm "DWO" meaning "driving while oriental" he think its funny, plus I'm a woman. His a little bit chauvinistic about women driver and old.

Right now, I am having fun learning to drive and i want to be a better and responsible driver and do things i love to do that kelly hated to do with me. Plus he already got me a car so hmmm.... exciting(wink).